
Here are some of the latest videos created by the crew of Vandal and our dear friends Kevin Wolf and Mark Postles

Zelda learns to kite with Sir Richard Branson

Vandal enjoyed many months anchored off Necker Island and Moskito Island before the devastation of Hurricane Irma.  To commemorate the fun we had, the family made a silly video to remind us always of the joy (and tears) of sailing in pristine protected waters.  Thank you Richard for humoring our little Zelda with her first kite lesson!  The BVIs still needs more support and donations to recover and rebuild, the time is now to help!

Swimming with dolphins and a surprise shark

Shortly before saying farewell to Stocking Island, Bahamas, we encountered a family of playful dolphins.  We had a blast swimming and and chasing each other, until a juvenile black tip shark tried to join in our game of tag.

SHarks are our friends/Pets aboard Vandal

Off Big Majors in the Exumas, Vandal and her crew engaged daily with the beautiful nurse sharks that enjoyed our shade, and our leftovers.

I Dare you! Conrad sails into Martha's Vineyard

Gunboat Legend Nils Erickson dared my sailing NOOB husband to try and sail all the way into the mooring field at Martha's Vineyard.  With Conrad at the helm, I waved frantically from the bow begging/wondering when we were going to drop the Solent.  He made it all the way in, with crowds cheering from the shore.  It's not easy to nail such a maneuver with 2 squirming babies on board.