Our Family


Conrad aka "Captain Calamity"


Fixer of everything, from broken heads to guppy fish in the intakes to sobbing babies.  Conrad grew up sailing Optis with the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club and off Puget Sound.  He had never actually gone offshore far enough to lose line of sight navigation.  So naturally, the logical next step was to build his own carbon sailboat and try to go around the world.   He reads every adventure and sailing book imaginable, drawing inspiration from Bernard Moitessier - we've all agreed to regularly check Conrad so he won't turn crazy in the middle of the ocean.  Once upon a time, he wore suits, shaved, and went to work everyday for the Carlyle Group in New York after earning his degree in Economics from Harvard.


Meagan "Vandal Fun Czar"

Provider of glitter, paints, and stickers, Meagan makes sure Vandal has enough creative crafts to at least draw a Last Supper in the event we go adrift and run out of more purposeful provisions.  You won't want to miss a holiday celebration if you're within spitting range of Vandal.  Her secret stash of tricks onboard includes aerial acrobatic silks, glow sticks, pirate costumes, and the rest you'll just have to come sailing to find out.  Meagan self taught herself to sail, and was the proud Last Place prize winner in her first regatta, the BVI Spring Race Week.  Prior to endeavoring to sail the world, she helped build Facebook in Silicon Valley.  She holds a masters in Engineering and bachelors in Applied Mathematics from Harvard, and an MBA from Stanford, all of which are surprisingly useful skill sets on a boat.


Zelda "Moana"

Pusher of buttons, in charge of breaking things to keep Conrad busy, guardian of crabs and starfish.......she's been known to wear her Moana costume for 72 hours strong.  She also blesses the crew with her incredible DJ skills, which includes playing the Moana sound track on repeat.  Zelda has spent more than half her life living on a boat, and has logged over 1,000 blue water miles and visited more than 10 countries in her first year of life.  Zelda attends a 100% outdoor nature pre-school when she is onshore, generally prefers not wearing clothes, and is very proud to be able to tie knots and drive a dinghy at age 2.


Jedi "Galactic Savior of Vandal"

She's a Jedi, need I say more.  (And her parents are obviously big dorks and Star Wars fans). Responsible for taking up the vast majority of our limited storage space with diapers, wipes, and baby formula, she at least doesn't contribute much to the total heavy ship weight of Vandal.  She still isn't totally sure what on earth we are doing, but I keep promising her there is a plan.  Jedi just turned 1 and has spent half her life on a sailboat.  Her favorite activity is catching fish strapped to Daddy's chest.

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Andrew "the REAL Captain"

Andrew joined Team Vandal in January 2018.  After we saw how much he loved baby piglets,we knew he and Jedi would be best mates.  Kai has yet to confirm if Andrew snorts when he sleeps.  His favorite sail onboard is "Big Pink."


Kai "Andrew's Captain"

Because every Captain needs a Captain....with her sweet interpretive dance moves and mad cooking skills, there is no doubt we will all be well fed and highly entertained.  Kai is now persuading the rest of team Vandal to get tatted up when we arrive in the Marquesas (rumor has it, that's where Captain Cook first discovered tattoos)